
What’s There to be Grateful for? Using Gratitude to Make Life Better

The past couple years have thrown us a lot of curveballs. To say it has been challenging is an understatement. So how do you get through these difficult times of change and upheaval. How do you stay positive? Well, some people suggest you adopt an attitude of gratitude and learn how to be grateful for the things you do have. Yup, I want to slap those people too. But they have a point.

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What is Gratitude?

So what exactly is gratitude? It is more than just saying thank you. It is a feeling that comes over us, a deep sense of appreciation for all the good in our lives. It’s recognizing the good, even when bad things happen. Although gratitude can be a spontaneous emotion, it is also something that can be cultivated. Something that we can use to improve our overall outlook towards life.

Why Practice Gratitude?

A gratitude practice has many benefits. It helps us feel happier, gives us a more positive outlook and helps to eliminate stress. Being grateful decreases the likeliness of depression and improves our overall health both physically and emotionally. By changing the focus of our thoughts to something more positive, we are able to stave off the negative thoughts and feelings that would normally lead us to depression and anxiety.

Negativity Lowers Our Vibrations

When we are facing challenges in our lives we naturally start to develop feelings of negativity and doubt. Over a prolonged period of time all that negativity begins to lower your vibrations. And here’s the thing, like attracts like. If you have low vibrations you will attract things into your life that match that vibration. For example, you may find you are attracting negative people into your life or you continue to find yourself in the middle of bad situations. So you definitely want to raise your vibrations and keep them high. How do you do that? Gratitude!

Read more about raising your vibrations here

Black and White woman facing backwards with head down What is Gratitude?
Negativity and doubt lower your vibrations

Fake it Until You Make it

Gratitude is considered to be of the highest vibration, so it’s a great way to get those low vibrations up quickly and activate the Law of Attraction. Unfortunately it’s not easy to be grateful when your life feels completely out of control. What do you do? Fake it until you make it!! I know it sound like a lame cliché, but it really does work.

Learn about the Law of Attraction here

part of a woman's face in a mirror shard
Fake being grateful until you no longer have to fake it!

We learn how to do things by practicing. When we repeat an action over and over again it becomes hardwired in our brain. It doesn’t matter to our brain that we’re ‘faking it’, it is still learning the behaviour. After awhile you won’t have to fake it anymore. Your feelings of gratitude will be genuine and you will find that you have more and more to be grateful for.

How to Express Our Gratitude

Gratitude Journal

So how do we cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude? There are many ways to express gratitude. A Gratitude Journal is one option that appeals to a lot of people. To keep a Gratitude Journal, find a journal that you like or use a section of your planner and just write three or four things you are grateful for every night. Pretty soon you won’t be able to limit it to only three of four things. You will find that you have more to be grateful for than you could have possibly imagined.

Calligraphy on paper with pen the law of attraction
Write a letter of gratitude

Letter of Gratitude

Another way to express our gratitude is to write a letter. This could be a letter to the Universe, God or even someone in your life. Everyday write a quick letter expressing your gratitude. Convey all the things you are grateful for in your letter. To make it even more powerful, include why you are grateful for each of those things. You could even write a letter to a different person each day. You don’t have to actually give it to that person, it’s the action of writing the letter that is important.

Say it Out Loud

Verbalizing gratitude is also effective. You can stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself what you are grateful for. It is suggested to do this at least once a day at roughly the same time. That encourages the behaviour to become habit. For example, you can tell yourself what you’re grateful for every morning while you brush your hair. After awhile brushing your hair becomes the trigger for your new habit; expressing gratitude.

Prayers of Gratitude

Another way to verbalize gratitude is through prayer. Whether you are praying to The Universe, God, Goddess or loved ones who have passed on, prayer is a wonderful way to express gratitude. I was always taught that the most powerful prayer is thank you.

When talking about prayer, most people think of the structured prayers we learned as children, but prayer can be a simple as a conversation with the Divine. At night as you’re getting ready for bed, spend a few moments ‘talking’ about all the things you are grateful for that day and maybe even what you are looking forward to in the coming days.

woman outside with head down in prayer what is gratitude
The most powerful prayer is Thank You!

Gratitude Jar

You can also create a Gratitude Jar. Find a jar and decorate it however you like. Everyday write things you are grateful for on small pieces of paper and place those slips in a jar. When the jar is full, seal it up and put it somewhere you can see it to remind you of just how much you have to be grateful for. On a really bad day you can open it up and read all the things you have been grateful for. It is a great way to improve your outlook and bring up feelings of gratitude.

Create the life of your dreams and check out this Law of Attraction Coach Practitioner Certification Course and learn how to make the Law of Attraction work for you and others.

Gratitude Prompts

Here are a few Gratitude Prompts to get you started:

  • What experience made you smile today?
  • Who in your life are you truly grateful for?
  • What is your favourite thing about yourself?
  • What challenge have you faced and learned from? Why are you grateful for that lesson?
  • What qualities in your partner are you grateful for?
  • Who are the people in your life you are most grateful for? Why?
  • What was something you saw today that was beautiful?
  • Which childhood memory are you thankful for?
  • Whats better about you today than it was in the past?
  • What is your favourite hobby? Why?

So go out and develop an Attitude of Gratitude, even if you have to fake it at the beginning. Do it regularly and make it a habit so that you can keep your vibrations high and manifest even more to be grateful for.

Want to keep that positivity going? Check out my post on Positive Affirmations here.

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  1. There are a lot of things to be grateful for and this are really good ways to express gratitude, nice suggestions, I often do mine through prayer.

    1. Thanks Lynn! I’m glad you enjoyed it. I think it’s great that you “fake it” when pushed out of your comfort zone. That is a great way to test the waters and expand your comfort zone.

  2. Expressing gratitude more frequently and freely has really changed my life and my perspective on so much! I always recommend gratitude to people even if it’s just writing down one thing every day. Great post!

  3. I’m a huge fan of Gratitude Journals and Happiness Jars but I’ve never thought about saying things out loud so that’s a good tip I’m grateful to you for today! 🙂

  4. Great post! Gratitude should be taught in schools because of its amazing results compared to so little effort. It really has the power to change our lives. Saying it out loud and keeping a gratitude journal are my go to’s!

  5. Yes, there are so many things in life that you can be grateful for. So important to always be grateful and thankful for what you have.

  6. i love the idea of a gratitude jar. i kept a gratitude journal most of last year & it truly made a difference. i love reading about this concept. you are so right!

  7. Gratitude is such a game-changer in life. It turns what we have into more than enough. Thank you for the great prompts & ideas – I will definitely be using these.

  8. Gratitude is something I am working on. I love that you said to “fake it until you make it.” It’s important to keep pushing ourselves to do things that will make us better people. I need to start by thanking God every day for what I have in my life. Thank you for this post!

  9. I really like your gratitude prompts. I’ve been wanting to incorporate a moment of gratitude into my daily routine for several months now, but I still haven’t done it, sometimes because I don’t have the time, but I think it’s mostly because I don’t know where to start. These prompts are a good guide to help find what to say thank you for.

  10. This is such an important post, I’m currently practising gratitude daily and I’m always looking for a way to expand on how I practise it so I found this very helpful.

  11. Practising gratitude in whichever form you choose can really change your mindset and outlook on life. You’ve mentioned some great ways of doing so. I personally love writing in a journal and getting my thoughts down on paper.

  12. There is definitely something magnetic and almost magical to practicing gratitude as a verb. It changes lives. Whether you’re making it a point to thank someone else for what they do, or opening up your life to the abundance of blessings that roll in when you are truly thankful for what you have. My favorite idea is the gratitude jar. We have a special place in our home set aside to pray and give gratitude, but I like to idea of physically writing the ideas on paper!

    thank you again for another stellar post!

    -Gigi | http://www.guidancebygigi.com

  13. You have absolutely no idea how much I love this Tiffany. Gratitude is something I try to incorporate into my daily life. It’s funny how much we can change just by looking at things from an angle of gratitude. Even tho having an attitude of gratitude might not be easy, it is well worth it. I love those journal prompts and I’m gonna do some real writing with them haha. Thank you for sharing. x

  14. Gratitude has been so important for my mental health this past year. I start each day journaling a few things I’m grateful for and it’s made such a difference!

  15. Refreshing read! To practise gratitude is one’s clarity to self and others that surround and you are right that when we think and relate with negativity, we would likely attract people with the same ‘vibe’. I especially love the idea of gratitude journal- to keep one and writing on it has become an exquisite way to start the day with positivity. Thanks for sharing !

    1. Thank you! I am so happy to hear that this post resonated with you. Gratitude really is a powerful mindset and has the ability to effect all areas of our lives. It’s a wonderful way to start your day!

  16. I love this post – gratitude is oh so important and you’re 100% right with just getting into the habit. I remember when I first started being grateful and recording it in a log, it felt so silly and not real but soon enough I started carrying that gratitude through the day and it really shifted things for me. Thanks for sharing this important post!

  17. It is astonishing how often you can replace “sorry” with “thank you” and make it better for everyone. “Thank you for waiting.” “Thank you for your patience.” “Thank you for understanding.”

  18. What a great post! I love that you have included prompts, these will be super useful when doing some journaling/scripting. The thing I love with gratitude is you can show it for anything, no matter how big or small and it still has the same powerful meaning.
    Thanks for sharing 🙂
    Aimsy xoxo
    Aimsy’s Antics

  19. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve faked it until I made it! Such a true statement. I would love to have a gratitude journal, it really helps with making you happier I agree! Let’s you focus on all the good instead of the bad. Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Having a gratitude journal really makes a difference for me, one that I can see almost immediately. My outlook is more positive when I’m practicing gratitude and I am able to manifest more of what I want, even if I have to fake it sometimes.
      I definitely recommend a gratitude journal. It’s life changing. 😊

  20. This is something I’ve really been needing to start lately. Life gets so stressful, it’s hard to remember to value the good things sometimes. I love the whole “fake it til you make it” and the gratitude journal — I’m gonna have to try these for myself 🥰

    1. Thanks so much for your comment Meredith! It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle, bustle of our everyday lives. However, taking even a moment to appreciate the good things, no matter how small, can have massive benefits. It can actually help to ease some of the stress. That alone makes it worth the effort. 😊

  21. I love the idea of a gratitude jar! I’ve got so many glass jars from cooking in my home, so I might use one and write one thing every day! It’s such a good spin on a gratitude journal which really didn’t work for me! Thanks for sharing!

  22. I love this! Gratitude is SO powerful and changed my life even during tough moments. I use a gratitude journal and give in my prayers every night ☺️ I think more people need to be reminded on how important gratitude is!

  23. What a lovely reminder and post you have here Tiffany! I always try to think of one or two things that I am grateful for every day, but I never thought about writing them down – I love the idea of the jar!

  24. It’s great to acknowledge and see your life as the glass half full, and you have given some great suggestions, especially fake it till you make it.

    Thanks for sharing, Tiffany.

  25. I really love the idea of a gratitude journal and it’s something I’d love to start. At the moment, I try to find a sparkle in every day (before the day arrives). xx

  26. Gratitude is such an important part of our everyday life, no matter what the season. Finding gratitude even in the most challenging times can completely change your perspective on a situation. I’m really glad you shared this!

  27. This was a lovely post. I loved every bit of it. I always try to practice gratitude as often as possible. It can be easy for us to get tangled up in our problems and end up forgetting to practice gratitude but this was a really nice reminder to practice gratitude as often as possible. I practice gratitude as much as I can and it can completely change your outlook on life. Those journal prompts for gratitude are fire!! Beautiful post xx

  28. Great post! I always remind my kids to be grateful for all that they have right now. Being grateful also plays a large part in having a happier lifestyle. Thanks for sharing!

  29. Love this reminder on how good it is to be grateful and how to practice it. I’ve tried through the years to keep a gratitude journal but always forget to write in it. It never became a habit I’d maintain. I like the idea of a jar that I can add to any time, though 🙂

  30. Such an important topic 💖
    Gratitude is a tool I use daily to stay grounded and focused on what matters. Thanks for the post!

  31. This is such an interesting read! Gratitude is such an important topic and I love reading about it. I have a gratitude jounral that I occasionally use!

    Amber x

  32. Loved reading this! I love the idea of having a gratitude jar or write a gratitude letter, sometimes it’s not as easy to say it out loud! I always find it easier to write them down x

  33. I could not agree more! Gratitude is so important. Even if we’re not feeling gracious, it’s good to be intentional with it and have an underlying posture of gratitude. It’s really about your attitude towards situations. Great reminder!

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