
5 Exercises to Unlock the Law of Attraction

Weโ€™ve talked about the Law of Attraction, the 12 Universal Laws and how they all work together. If you havenโ€™t read the first two posts in this series, you can do that here Part one, Part two.

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Now letโ€™s discuss how we can practice these Universal Laws to help us shape and manifest the life we want.

How to Manifest

Always Start With Gratitude 

When working with the Universal Laws, it is always a good idea to start with Gratitude. When you are feeling grateful, you raise your vibrations and attract more of what you want in life. It is so much easier to manifest what you want when your vibrations are high and you are coming from a place of gratitude, not a place of lack.

A good place to start is to keep a gratitude journal. Write at least three things youโ€™re grateful for everyday. If you want to take your gratitude journal to the next level, include why you are grateful for those things.

How to Work With These Exercises

There are so many ways we can work with the Universe and co-create the life weโ€™ve always wanted. These Law of Attraction exercises all focus on positive thinking and acting as if the change has already happened. If you imagine the life you want in the future, it will always stay in the future. Imagine it as being your current reality. Using the present tense when manifesting helps get your subconscious mind working towards your goals. 

Another thing to remember when working on manifesting is to try and involve as many of your senses as possible. You want the experience to be as real and specific as possible. By imagining the how you feel, the sights, sounds, smells, textures and even tastes that you would experience, you are essentially convincing your brain that this is already your reality. It will go out of its way to create the reality you believe in. 

Manifesting Exercises

1. Start a Wish Journal

A great exercise to help you activate the Law of Attraction and create the things you want in your life is to start a wish journal. A wish journal is where you write about the things you want. When you write about what you want, it is important to do so in the present tense. For example if you are hoping to get your dream job you donโ€™t want to write โ€œI hope I get this job. Iโ€™ve dreamed about it since I was young.โ€ Instead you write something along the lines of โ€œI love my new job. This is where I always wanted to work. I am so grateful to finally be here.โ€ 

Calligraphy on paper with pen the law of attraction
Use a wish journal to write about the life you want to create

A key thing to remember when working on your wish journal is to add as much detail as possible. Using the job example again, what do you see? Are you in an office? Are you outside? Is it a sunny place? Is there artwork around you? Are you surrounded by nature? Is there artificial light or do you feel the sun on your skin? Are you in a big comfortable chair? Maybe you are relaxed and working from home? Do you feel excited, joyful, nervous or maybe confident and on top of the world? The more detail you can imagine it with, using all of your senses, the more real you make your wish. 

2. Create a Vision Board

If writing isnโ€™t your thing, you may want to try making a Vision Board. A vision board is a collage of pictures and motivational phrases that represent your dreams and goals. The images we use to make our vision board are representations of what we want to achieve, or the rewards we will receive if we accomplish our objectives.  

a Stack of magazines The Law of attraction
Find images that represent your desires

Once youโ€™ve created your vision board, place it somewhere you will see it all the time. When you look at it, imagine yourself experiencing the things that are on your vision board. Use all your senses in your imagining. Sight, sound, feelings and emotions, scents, even tastes will help. You want to experience it as realistically as possible. Make sure to spend time looking at your vision board and imagining the things on it, everyday. 

Our dreams evolve and expand as our imagination grows. Donโ€™t be afraid to update your vision board to reflect your growth.

*Vision boards can also be digital. You can read about digital vision boards in my post How to Create a Vision Board on Pinterest.

3. Chequing Account Exercise

This exercise not only helps stretch your imagination, but also helps you feel more comfortable spending money on things you want. Donโ€™t worry, no real money is being used.

The first thing you need to do for this exercise is to set up your imaginary banking system. You can create imaginary cheques, use a blank notebook or use a budgeting app on your phone. Whatever works for you, as long as you are able to create deposits and withdrawals with descriptions.


You will repeat this exercise daily. On your first day, deposit $1000. Then spend it in any way you want. Note the withdrawals and what they were used for. You can also choose to save your money, but spending it helps to stretch your imagination. It also  encourages the idea of flow; money flowing in and out.

On the second day deposit $2000 into your account then spend it. Do this everyday for at least a week or two. Allow your imagination to run wild. It is only a game after all.

4. Small Creations 

In this exercise you are going to unlock the Law of Attraction by working on manifesting things in a short period of time. Spend time thinking about what you want to create in the next week or two. Think of small things. This exercise is more about building faith in your manifesting abilities, then achieving your goals. You want to start with simple things that are enjoyable, but still believable. 

Start by quieting your mind. You can use meditation or any other technique you like. Then, think of a couple things you would like to happen this week. Try to think of things that are not part of your usual routine, but not completely implausible either. Imagine those things happening. Spend just a few moments really focusing on those things happening. Again try to use as many senses as you can and really pay attention to how you feel. When you are done visualizing them, forget about them, move on with your week and see what happens.  

This is a great exercise to improve your manifesting abilities and to help improve belief in your abilities.

5. The Universes To-Do List

I donโ€™t know about you, but I always have a huge and overwhelming to-do list. This next exercise, (that I learned from Ester and Abraham Hicks), has helped me relieve some of the overwhelm.

If you donโ€™t already have a to-do list, make one. Then create a second one for the Universe. You are going to take things from your original list and delegate them to the Universe. Look for things that are not urgent or that you just arenโ€™t ready to deal with and move them onto the Universes to-do list. As you move each item, trust that it will get taken care of. Have faith that the Universe has got your back. 

To do list the Law of attraction
Make a to-do list for the Universe

Keep moving things over until your original list is a little more manageable. Donโ€™t forget to check off completed items on the Universeโ€™s list.

More Manifesting Ideas

  • Meditation
  • Positive Affirmations
  • Visualization
  • Reframe negative thoughts
  • Set daily intentions
  • Acknowledge the things you have already created 
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Practice random acts of kindness
  • Get rid of the clutter and make room in your life for new things

By using these exercises we can take our manifesting skills and create the life we want. Our thoughts and actions are already shaping our lives, why not focus those thoughts and actions to consciously design the life of our dreams? It just makes sense! If you are looking for more information on The Law of Attraction and manifesting, check out https://www.thelawofattraction.com

Do you love manifesting and working with the Law of Attraction? Do you want to learn more about it? Would you like to help others learn how to use the Law of Attraction too? Why not become a Law of Attraction Coach? Find out more here.

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  1. As usual, I love using the Law of Attraction to shape how I want my life! SO far, my life has been amazing using that mindset and I do most of the tips that you put in this post! I love the chequeing account exercise and will try it today! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I love learning about manifestation practices and adding new practices to my routine so I really enjoyed reading this. In particular, I enjoyed reading about the wish journal, passing over items from my to-do list to the universe and the cheque balance game so will definitely be looking to implement those. Thanks for a great post.

  3. I had made a dream board in the past (like teen years while in high school as a school project), but earlier this year I did it for the first time as an adult. Honestly, I was surprised how much it has motivated me! I made a digital version which I then put on my phone and computer as wallpaper, so that I saw it every day when I logged on to start working.

  4. Very Interesting reading. I’d never really thought about it like that before. It’s got me thinking and wanting to be a little more proactive with my goals.

  5. I have really been trying to work on affirmations and gratitude, even got a journal that is supposed to help with writing all those things..hope it helps!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. That’s great! The real trick to working with gratitude and affirmations is belief. You have to believe it for it to produce the desired outcome. If you need any help with it, please let me know.

  6. It was really a great post. Sometimes we forget that The Law of attraction Works. But it is true that it does work. I like the suggestion of wish journal. Thank you for sharing this suggestions.

  7. Great tips! I’m a visual person so things like a vision board and utilizing visualization really stood out for me!

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed it. Good luck on your spiritual journey. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions come up. I’m alway happy to help people along their spiritual journey if I can.

  8. I loved reading this post – thank you for sharing some great ideas! I love the wish journal suggestion – such a simple but effective thing to do!

  9. I find the concept of manifestation so interesting. Learning more about it was wonderful!

    I already have a vision board, but based on this post, I definitely think I need a new (better) one that fully encompasses the life I want for myself and my family.

    The cheque account game is so innovative, I love it! Will definitely give it a try.

    Thanks, Tiffany!

    Bianca xx | http://www.missmonro.com

    1. That’s great that you already have a vision board! I read that it’s a good idea to update them at least once a year so they reflect our growth and current goals. I think mine is due for an upgrade too. ๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. Very interesting! There are a lot of techniques here that I’ve never heard of. A lot of the ones you listed in the end are things I already do and work well for me though, like: reframe negative thoughts, daily intentions, gratitude journal, random acts of kindness and declutter.

  11. I’ve heard of the law of attraction but I never knew you can do anything about it. These are very nice and effortless tips that anyone can make. I will definitely give them a try.

  12. I have been doing a better job this year by journaling more. I keep a daily gratitude journal by my bed and it really has helped me become more grateful.

    We must focus on the positive and attract more positivity and happiness in our lives.

    xo Erica

  13. I love the idea of using Law Of Attraction to shape my life. Iโ€™m defiantly going to start my own vision board – I love the sound of that. Thank you for sharing lovely Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

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