Woman sitting with counsellor Can a Life Coach or Counsellor Make Your Life Better?

Can a Life Coach or Counsellor Make Your Life Better?

If there is one good thing to come out of the pandemic, it was that we were all given the opportunity to do some inner work. However, under all the cobwebs we discovered some things about ourselves that we just didn’t know what to do with. This is where a life coach or counsellor comes in. 

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How Do You Know if You Need Help

We all need a little support now and again, but how do you know when it’s time to call in a professional?

Your Personal Development Journey Has Stalled

There are a few things that may be good indicators that you need a little support. It is really common to plateau when doing deep inner work. We often get stuck and need an outside observer to help us to the next level. Life coaches and counsellors are great at propelling us forward.

You’re Unable to Move Forward in Your Life

Some other indications may be that you are feeling stuck. Not really sure how to move forward? Is fear keeping you from doing the things you want to do? Maybe you can’t seem to get past imposter syndrome or comparing yourself to others. Maybe you are looking for your purpose in life. These are all things a coach can help you work through.

You’re Feeling Depressed or Angry 

What about depression? Do you find it’s difficult to get out of bed? Are you more emotional than normal? Feeling hopeless? Do you find yourself crying more or maybe you are having a difficult time controlling your temper. These are some good indications that you may have some past issues or trauma coming up and a counsellor or therapist can help you navigate it.

Take this quiz to find out if you could benefit from working with someone.  https://forms.gle/9GG3MtGZw5oQjYbo7

Women standing in a crowd looking lost and sad Life Coach or Counsellor

Counsellor vs Life Coach?

So now that you’ve discovered you need some help moving forward, who do you call for help, a coach or a counsellor?

What’s the Difference Between a Life Coach and Counsellor? 

A counsellor helps you deal with past trauma. They help you work through unresolved emotions and heal past wounds. A coach on the other hand, helps you plan for your future. They look at where you are and help you to get to where you want to be. Put simply, a counsellor deals with your past and a coach works on your future. 

Do you want to be a Life Coach? Get your certification here!

What is a Session Like With a Life Coach or Counsellor?

Working with any kind of coach or counsellor can be a little bit daunting. You spend most of the session talking about your feelings. That alone can be very uncomfortable for some. 

A coach may ask you to try stepping out of your comfort zone and a counsellor may shine a light on an old wound. However, it’s important to point out, that you always have the final say in how deep you want to go. If you don’t feel comfortable talking about something, you don’t have to. The person you are working with is trying to help you. They may push you to move past your current limits, but they will never force you to do anything you don’t feel ready to do. 

Although there are many different types of therapy: Client centred, Cognitive-behavioural, NLP and Existential therapy to name a few. Now-a-days, most counsellors and coaches use a combination of them as they are needed. Personally, I have training in NLP, Body Centred Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural, Transpersonal Psychology, Existential and Psychoanalytical therapies. I don’t focus on any one, but rather use the tool I feel is necessary at the moment. 

woman looking upset with her hands on her face someone has their hand on her shoulder Life Coach or Counsellor

Healing Modalities

Each helping professional has a toolbox of healing modalities they may use. These are different from the types of therapies we talked about above, although the modalities may come from one of the above types.

Some of the ones I use are: 

  • Inner Child Work – a process in which you connect with and heal your inner child, which can be carrying old trauma
  • Emotional Freedom Technique – also known as EFT or Tapping, is a process of tapping on meridian point to release energy blocks (Read this post to find out more about EFT)
  • Guided Meditation – a meditation narrated by another to lead the meditator to a specific outcome
  • Chakra Balancing – a form of energy healing that focuses specifically on dealing with imbalances in the seven chakras
  • Focusing – is an approach in which the client is asked to become more aware of sensations in their body caused by their emotional state
  • Expressive Writing – can also be called therapeutic writing. It can take the form of journalling or letter writing and is used as a way to express difficult or hidden emotions

How to Know Who’s Right For You?

When looking for someone to work with, there are a couple things that are important to watch out for. 

Do You Like Your Life Coach or Counsellor?

In my opinion, the most important thing to look for when deciding who you want to work with, is are you comfortable with them? If you are not comfortable, you won’t open up. It won’t matter how many certifications they have if you don’t like them. You need to be able to talk about your hopes, dreams, fears and all the emotions that goo along with them. If you can’t comfortably do that with this person, they will not be able to help you and you will be wasting your time and money.

The next thing you want to find out, is how they work. Who do they work with and what types of therapy or coaching do they use. For example, if you find a coach that works with empty nesters looking to simplify your life and you’re a twenty something looking to find your life purpose, you may not be a good fit. Although most coaches and counsellors have been trained to work with a variety of different people, in many different circumstances. It is always a good idea to ask them what their specialty is and if they feel they could help you.

Why You Should You Work With Me?

If you are looking for someone to support you in your personal growth journey, I am a great choice. 

I work mainly with spiritually inclined women, but have also worked with men. 

I create a trusting and nonjudgemental environment for healing. Giving my clients a place to speak freely and explore their emotions safely.

I’m trained as a psychotherapist and I’m a certified Life Coach. This means I am qualified to help you heal your past, look at your present and plan for your future. I’m also a certified EFT & Meditation practitioner.

However, the best reason for working with me, is I walk my talk. I am always looking for ways to better myself and to share that with my clients. 

If you are interested in finding out if we are a good fit, book a free introductory session with me today. You have nothing to loose and everything to gain. Book Now!

Still not convinced? Here’s what some of my clients have to say:

Tiffany is a pure joy to have an EFT session with. I’m typically someone who is good at handling and addressing my stress levels, the past week a myriad of concerns came flooding in all aspects of life. In this time, I felt blocked, and unable to use my typical strategies to help myself. My appt with Tiffany came at the perfect time. She was calm, and considerate with getting to know me and what was going on in my life. I’m a private person and I pretty much opened up to her immediately. She was so reassuring and peaceful it helped promote a sense of trust quickly.

Once we began EFT, she took the time to really explain everything to me, as well as inquired to ensure what she was hearing matched how I was feeling. We began tapping and she did as many rounds as I wanted to do, she took time to check in and did not rush anything. By the end of the session I felt like a new person, I had realized and discovered some things during tapping and shared them with Tiffany. She helped reassure and validate my feelings and helped me navigate how to continue helping myself. Promptly following my appt she reached out with more information and let me know I could connect if I had any questions or concerns. Honestly, Tiffany was wonderful, and I highly encourage anyone who is unsure about EFT, it really works and is very powerful!Β 


I highly recommend sessions with Tiffany for EFT tapping and counselling.Β 

I had a few sessions with Tiffany, using EFT to work on some issues. She is not only knowledgeable and professional, but also caring and genuinely compassionate. She spent time exploring and helping me identify the deeper root causes and then gently took me through the tapping technique.

Her intuitive approach in combining visualizations, tapping and counselling created a safe and healing space for me to open up and get into my β€˜stuff’ without feeling overwhelmed. Her caring extended beyond our sessions to check in with me subsequently and offer additional strategies.

Tiffany is a rare gem who is gifted with an authentic commitment to serving others. I will definitely be making use of her services again!


Looking to love yourself a little more? Read my post on Self-Love.

Book a Session With Me

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  1. I’ve not really been clear on the differences between a coach and a counsellor or how/where they can crossover, etc. This was really interesting to read as I can see how beneficial this would be for someone who is looking into it. Thanks for sharing your expertise and how you work with people within this field.

  2. This is so informative – thanks Tiffany! You’ve done an awesome job at outlining a life coach and counsellor and how they can support you in different ways at different points in your life! I loved my EFT session with you and high encourage others to connect with you if they need assistance with unblocking. Great post!

  3. I had not really thought of the difference between a life coach and a counsellor. I like how both are great help to people. It’s great that people have options to have either one or the other or both.

    1. I agree, it’s amazing the different options people have now. I remember a time when it was much more difficult to find emotional support. I’m so happy that is no longer the case. Thanks for your comment!

  4. Thank you for sharing this post. I have been thinking about getting a life coach. I have been struggling with what I want with my future. After reading this post, I will be looking into more now.

  5. Such an Informative post! Getting help is so important when you need it. I love these tips. Thank you so much for sharing

  6. This is a great informative post! I had a counselor and it was the best thing I could have done. I’ve never thought about a life couch, but now I will look into it. The chakra balance sounds like something I would really like to learn more about! Thank you for sharing, Alicia

  7. I actually didn’t know the difference between a life coach and a counselor so this was helpful. I have worked with counselors for my depression and anxiety before, but never a life coach. Counselors have really helped me sort out my past and given me strategies for dealing with my anxiety daily. Maybe I will have to look into a life coach soon!

    1. It’s great that you have had such good results with counsellors in the past. I think there are times when we just need to ask for outside help, whether from a counsellor or a coach. Thanks so much for your comment Heidi!

  8. This is really interesting! I didn’t realise what a life coach was so thank you for sharing this post. Counselling was so useful for me ❀

  9. I wasn’t aware of the nuances and similarities that a coach and councillor could offer but also how they should be tailored to an individual’s needs. It’s amazing to read about all the possibilities and the services you offer which I can see have been really beneficial to those you’ve worked with. Thanks for sharing!

    1. When I first started working as a therapist, there were not so many specialties. It wasn’t nearly as tailored as it is now. You can find a coach or counsellor that specializes in just about anything. I think it is a wonderful testament to how far we’ve come in eliminating the stigmas around mental and emotional health.
      Thanks so much for your comment!

  10. This is such a great detailed post! I remember feeling quite down about needing to see a Councillor a few years ago after a crash left me petrified of driving and it was the best expense ever. I’ve also got a friend who sees a life coach and she swears by it. This is a fantastic insight into what you do and how you’re able to help people.

  11. I have never really thought about the difference between a life coach and a counsellor. About few months ago, I considered getting a counsellor or life coach. I wanted a counsellor or life coach because I wanted someone who could hold me accountable. I had a session with a life coach and we talked. It was fun. She was so nice, kind and patient and I enjoyed it. I look forward to having more sessions. I loved reading this.

  12. This was such a great post! I always couldn’t find clearly the differences between a life coach and a counsellor, so this was very helpful! I have only tried CBT, but I love that you approach clients with all the knowledge you have and see what can be of better help! x

  13. I don’t know much about life coaches or life counselors so this was a great and informative post. Thanks so much for sharing!

  14. I knew there was a difference between the two but this really cleared it up! I’ve thought of either getting a life coach or becoming one because it is so intruging to me. Great post!

    1. Thanks! I’m so glad I was able to clear it up for you. Working with a coach is incredibly helpful, especially when you are taking a new direction in your life. It is also very rewarding to coach others. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions on either getting a coach or becoming one.

  15. Thank you for explaining the difference between a counsellor and a life coach! I think most of us assume that they specialize in similar things, when one focuses on the past and the other focuses on the present. I appreciate the work that both do in providing support and encouragement for others. Thanks for sharing!

  16. This is such a helpful post. My mental health has definitely been a struggle in recent months and I definitely think counselling might be a good route for me to take.

  17. Loved the fact that some really cool things mentioned in the blog which is not rarely shared by lot of bloggers. Loved reading it and got some cool facts about the coach or conseller differentiation and which one to pick either.
    Keep sharing more and help us more.
    Good day!!

  18. This was really interesting and informative, thank you. I didn’t really know much about the differences between a life couch and a consellor.

  19. I know of one life coach and I would love to have one. But finances is the thing that puts me off, well especially at the moment with being off due to an injury at work. Thank you for sharing this information.

    Lauren – bournemouthgirl.com

    1. It can be difficult to find someone when your finances are an issue. However, there are a lot of life coaches that are just starting out and looking to do some free sessions to get their name out there. If I come across one, I’ll let you know.

  20. As someone who’s new to counselling (or therapy), I found that having a connection with the person I am talking to is pretty much the basics. I have been enjoying the two sessions I have had of tapping therapy, and I cannot wait to get more as soon as possible!

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