A Beginners Guide to Creating a Spiritual Practice
With the world in turmoil, now is the perfect time for all of us to look within. To take stock of our lives and beliefs. To look at what is truly important to us. It is the perfect time to create new habits and learn new ways of being. Now is the time for creating our own spiritual practice and strengthen our connection with Spirit.
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What is Spirituality?
What is a spiritual practice you ask? First let’s define spirituality. According to the dictionary spirituality is:
“the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.”

Spirituality is not about religion, but rather about your connection to something bigger than yourself. (I use The Divine, the Universe, Source, Spirit and God interchangeably. Feel free to use whatever title works for you.) It is about your own personal journey to the Divine. It’s about taking the time to better yourself so that you can be closer to the Source. So, your spiritual practice is how you take time to experience God. How you engage with the Universe. There is no right or wrong way to spend time with the Divine. You just have to show up.
Why Create a Spiritual Practice?
In our darkest times, a spiritual practice can help ease our depression and sorrows. It allows us to feel connected to something bigger than ourselves. Making us feel less alone and giving a a sense of purpose. It brings us calm amidst the storm and can even contribute to lowering our blood pressure and boosting our immune system. We end up feeling centred and grounded, which enables us to make decisions with more clarity. It fills us with compassion and grace. It helps us get into alignment, leaving us with a feeling of joy.

Of course following a spiritual practice is not something you only do when things are bad. It is just as important to continue your spiritual practice during the good times. Would you only call your friend when you were feeling bad? Then why would you only connect with the Universe when you are feeling lousy?
You are closest to the Source when you are living in joy. Your happiness is a vibrational match to the Divine. Therefore, during the good times it is much easier for you to manifest the life you want. You can accomplish your goals and live your purpose. That is a pretty good reason to continue your spiritual practice during the good times.
For more read my post Why is Spirituality Important? 6 Ways Spirituality Can Change Your Life.
What is a Spiritual Practice?
A Spiritual Practice, as I have already said, is the time you take to engage with the Universe. There are many ways to connect with Spirit. Meditation, prayer, practicing gratitude, spending time in nature and being of service, to name a few. By utilizing these methods, you can begin to build a relationship with the Divine. The time and actions you take to build your relationship with God, is your spiritual practice.

Everyones spiritual practice looks different. Just because your friend sits in mediation for an hour everyday, practices yoga three times a week, fasts every month and only reads books on spirituality, doesn’t mean that you have to. It doesn’t even mean that she is more spiritual and connected than you are. We all find our own ways to connect. Our connection ought to be done out of love, not obligation. If you give up the things you enjoy and begrudgingly do “spiritual things” instead, your connection will be weak if not nonexistent. The Universe wants you to be happy and to experience all things with love. Each practice is as valid as the next. What matters is that you are taking the time to connect with Source energy.
So how do you decide which way to connect is right for you? You can go with your intuition or you can try a few different things until something feels right. Or maybe you will use a few different methods at different times.

Here’s a few different spiritual exercises for you to try when creating your spiritual practice:
- Meditation
- Prayer
- Practicing Gratitude
- Drumming
- Yoga
- Breath work
- Rituals
- Spiritual learning (through books, videos or classes)
- Being of service
- Connecting with nature
- Being joyful
Creating Your Own Personal Spiritual Practice
Once you have decided on some of the ways you want to express your spirituality, it’s time to practice. Start small. You don’t want to overwhelm yourself. If you put too much on your plate, it will be impossible to maintain. If you start small, it will be easier for you to repeat your practice daily, thus making it a habit. So find something you can do every day. It helps if it’s something you enjoy. If you find you really don’t enjoy yoga, then find something you do enjoy. If meditation makes you cringe, try a walking meditation instead. Listen to what you soul is telling you and trust your intuition. If you really aren’t sure what elements to add when creating your spiritual practice, try a few different things. Try meditation for a week and see how it feels. Whatever you decide to try out, give it at least a week.

Once your practice becomes a habit, you can begin to grow it. Maybe start by expanding your knowledge with a spiritual book. Add a daily prayer. The most powerful prayer is “Thank You!” If you take a moment everyday to say thank you, you will raise your vibrations and be more in line with Source. Which is the goal. To build on that, you can begin a gratitude journal. Maybe start a weekly ritual to show your appreciation.
If you want to start meditating, ten minutes a day is enough. The point of mediation is to quiet the mind so that you can hear spirit speak. Your meditation can simply be taking a few minutes to focus on your breath, which creates a quiet mind, or follow a more elaborate guided meditation. The chose is yours. What’s important is to do it regularly. For more information on meditation check out these sites:
There are also a ton of guided meditations on YouTube. You can even download a meditation app, like Headspace onto your phone.

Breathing exercises, like meditation, quiet the mind. They help you to be in the present moment and can help you connect to your higher self and intuition, your guides and the Divine. Being present and quieting the mind can be a profound experience, especially for those who normally let the ego do the driving. So, take a few moments a work on deepening the breath. Filling your lungs fully and emptying them completely.
For more on breating exercises you can visit these sites:
Prayer can be a very powerful part of any spiritual practice. Many people refer to meditation as listening and prayer as asking for help. Personally I feel prayer is just having a chat with God. Sometimes I ask for help, other times I just say hi. Prayer can be a structured prose, but it doesn’t have to be. It is just as powerful when we simply talk to God. It is the connection that is important, the sentiment, not the specific words. Remember, the most powerful prayer is to say thank you.

Nothing raises your vibrations quicker than gratitude, making it an amazing part of any spiritual practice. Why do you want your vibrations high? When we vibrate at a low frequency, we feel heavier. It is a lot like pushing against the current. Our problems feel more overwhelming and we may experience more physical pain. Fear, anxiety, depression and sorrow are all low frequencies. Love, happiness, contentment and compassion are all high frequency emotions. By raising our frequency, it is easier to attract thing of a similar frequency. Likewise, if we stay in a low vibration, we attract things of that vibration. This is how the Law of Attraction works. The other benefit of having a high vibration, is that we are vibrating at a level that is closer to the frequency of the Divine. This makes it easier to develop a connection with Spirit.
Now back to gratitude. As I have said, gratitude can raise our vibrations very quickly. So how do we practice being grateful, especially when things may not be going our way? Start small. Every morning be grateful that you woke up and get to start a brand new day with infinite possibilities. Be grateful for coffee. I am. Be grateful for nature, in all its beauty. There are always things for us to be grateful for, even in difficult times. You just have to look. The more you practice gratitude, the easier it is to see all the good around you and attract more of it into your life. For more on gratitude you can read my post https://metaphysicalmama.com/whats-there-to-be-grateful-about/
Making it a Habit
So how do you turn all these things into a spiritual practice? Start with intention. Everyday set the intention to put aside some time to quiet your mind and to connect with Source. Start small. Spend 5-10 minutes meditating. Write in your gratitude journal while having your morning coffee. Before going to bed, take a few moments to say thank you and ask for guidance to live your highest purpose. Once this simple routine becomes a habit, usually about 30 days, you can expand it a little bit. Maybe add a couple days of yoga and a walking meditation on Sundays. If that feels too ambitious stick with your original routine. It’s your practice, and it is made to fit you and bring you joy.

However you decide to connect with the Divine, remember your spiritual practice is not just for the bad times. During difficult times, your practice can give you strength and comfort. Helping you to weather the storm. When times are good, your practice can help propel you further along your spiritual journey. Cementing a powerful connection with the Universe and bringing you a profound sense of joy.
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Loved the article. Lots of valuable information.
Really detailed post on how to practice spiritually. Love the tips you shared. It’s important to be consistent and make it a habit on the good and bad days.
Thanks! I agree, It’s very important to be consistent on good days and bad.