Why is Spirituality Important? 6 Ways Spirituality Can Change Your Life!

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Have you ever wondered why spirituality is important? What does one gain from their spiritual life? Before we can answer that, it may help to better understand what spirituality is and what it isn’t. 

What is Spirituality

Spirituality is not religion. A person can be spiritual, but not religious. One could be religious and also spiritual at the same time. So if spirituality is not religion, then what is it? 

statue why is spirituality important
What is Spirituality

Spirituality is a pretty broad term. Simply put, it has to do with the human spirit or soul and it’s connection to something greater than itself. Our spirituality is in essence our relationship to the Divine, (whatever that means to you). It is our search for greater meaning. How is this different from religion? Religion is a clearly defined path that one follows in service to a specific deity or deities. Spirituality however, is determined by the individual. There is no predetermined path you must follow. You don’t have to believe in this God or that one. It is a very personal and individual journey towards not only the Source, but also ones own soul. 

Now that we know what spirituality is, let’s look at why it is so important and how it impacts our lives.

Why is Spirituality Important?

1. It Gives Us a Sense of Purpose

One of the reasons spirituality is so important is it gives our lives meaning. Everything we do, means so much more when we’re on the spiritual path. We see the interconnectedness of everything, making it all much more precious.Β 

Spirituality gives us something to work towards. For example we strive for enlightenment, greater knowledge and understanding, becoming a better person, and helping others. Without that, our lives would feel empty and insignificant. Our day to day would become humdrum. Instead, having a sense of purpose drives us and propels us forward. It makes us want to do and be better. We push ourselves to become more than what we once were. Becoming a better version of ourselves.

2. Creates a Sense of Belonging

Being spiritual creates a deep sense of belonging within us. We no longer feel alone. Instead we feel as though we are a part of something much bigger than ourselves. We are no longer on our own, but rather connected to the Source Energy. We feel that connection when we engage in our spiritual practices.

meditation class
Building a Spiritual Community

On top of that, we can build our own community within the larger spiritual community. People need other people. It is human nature to connect with others. Within the spiritual community we are able to connect with like-minded people. We come together in our mediation group. Make friends in the many spiritual events and the classes we attend. We also build strong bonds within our online communities. 

3. Encourages Introspection

Spiritual practices encourage introspection. To look within yourself rather than looking to others for the answers. We go within and soul search through prayer and meditation. Seeking to heal old wounds and learn from the lessons we have been given. We try to learn from the past and remain in the present.Β 

Looking within, we try to understand ourselves on a deeper level. What makes us do the things we do? How can we learn from those things? What do we need to move forward in our souls journey? What lessons our we here to learn?

4. Spiritual People Are Happier

Someone who is spiritual tends to be happier and feel depressed less often and for shorter periods of time. Why? Because when facing difficult situations, the spiritual seeker doesn’t dwell on the bad, they tend to be more optimistic. They don’t cry β€œWhy me?” Instead they look for the lesson. They find reasons to be grateful and focus on them. Then they work towards forgiveness so they can move on and once again find joy. 

woman looking up to the sky smiling

In this way, spirituality has adopted many of the self-help principles. Emotional well-being and spiritual well-being go hand in hand. In both the goal is to feel good and live your best life. 

It may be challenging at times, but being spiritual means we place our trust in the Universe. We trust that there is a lesson to be learned and if we learn it we can move on to better things. That if we move through this experience, it will clear the way for more joy in our lives.Β 

5. Being Spiritual Leads to Better Health

Yes, it’s true! Being spiritual can have positive health benefits. As I stated above, people who are spiritual are happier and less depressed. That alone improves ones health. By working on your emotional well-being, you also improve your physical well-being. Add to that, people who follow a spiritual practice also don’t deal with as much stress. Between meditating and a deep trust that things will work out as they are suppose to, anxiety becomes easier to overcome. Anxiety can contribute to all sorts of health problems, so that alone can have major health benefits. If you want to know more, you can read my post about anxiety here https://metaphysicalmama.com/how-to-cope-with-anxiety/.

Prayer can also be helpful in maintaining good health. Like meditation, prayer can help bring about feelings of relaxation. It instills feelings of hope and gratitude, which again stops depression and anxiety in their tracks.Β 

6. Spirituality Improves Humanity as a Whole

Overall, Spirituality improves your life. From making you feel better emotionally and physically, to giving you a greater sense of purpose. However, it is not only the individual that benefits. Each individual spiritual seeker, has a part in bettering humanity. 

little girl holding a globe

By striving to be a better person, you influence others. You treat those around you with more respect and compassion. Filling them with love and compassion as well. You influence others through your actions, thus inspiring them to also strive to be better. All of this helps to raise the collective vibration of our planet, consequently, helping to heal the planet and everyone on it.

With all those benefits, what you waiting for? If you aren’t sure where to begin, check out my post on creating a spiritual practice. https://metaphysicalmama.com/a-beginners-guide-to-creating-a-spiritual-practice/

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  1. It’s feels great reading about this, as it validated my thoughts about spirituality and religion too. This year has been very different for me personally, I figured I wanted to be a more spiritual person rather than settling with my known religion. Meditation have been very helpful for me because it felt like I finally had the time to focus and figure out how my mind and body work. I agree with all of your points, I’d love to learn more and I look forward to your next posts 😊🌻

    1. I’m sorry to hear you’ve had a difficult year. Spirituality can really help when things are difficult and meditation is a very powerful tool. If I you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

  2. This is very interesting to me! I’m not a religious person, nor do I feel that I’m an especially spiritual person, but I can definitely see the benefits of spirituality that you list!

    I do think that having a purpose is important, and a strong moral code as well – one that encourages you to be kind to others, to grow and strive to better yourself and the world around you.

  3. These are all such wonderful points, thank you so much for sharing this concept with us all. I totally agree, it does give you a sense of belonging! Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

  4. This is a lovely post Tiffany – for many years I didn’t fully understand spirituality and paired it with religion often. Learning about how spirituality can help enhance your life has been so powerful for me and you’ve outlined lots of amazing points. For me being more spiritual in recent years has really helped my mental and physical health a lot and I’m very grateful for that. Thanks for sharing.

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