5 Surefire Ways to Tap Into Your Intuition

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Before you can start to tap into your intuition, you need to believe it exists. You can’t say you want to follow your intuition while believing that you don’t in fact have access to it. We all have access to our intuition. Unfortunately many of us tend to listen to the louder voice of our ego. You see, our intuition tends to speak in whispers, where as our ego screams at us to get our attention. We need ignore the ego and pay attention to the whisper, which can be a very difficult thing to do. 

Ego VS Intuition

You might be wondering how to tell the difference between ego and intuition. Other than the fact that your ego yells at you a lot, you can also tell the difference by listening to whether it is a positive or negative statement. Your ego will use negative language like, “you aren’t good enough, that is stupid, you don’t know enough about ‘blank’.” Your Higher Self and your intuition will only speak to you in a loving and gentle way. Things like “that would be a wonderful experience, that sounds like fun, why not try that,” or “you have always loved to do ‘blank’.”

So any thoughts that make you feel bad or afraid are your ego. Thoughts that inspire you and make you feel empowered come from your Higher Self and your intuition guiding you in the direction that will best serve you. 

Your emotions are the best guidance system. Following your intuition feels good. It really is that simple. If you feel good, you’re going in the right direction. If you feel bad, you are likely listening to your ego. The ego serves your basic needs. It wants you to be safe. As far as your ego is concerned, it is better to stay small and unnoticed by bigger predators than to get out there and show the world your greatness. Your intuition wants you to soar. It wants you to live your Divine purpose. It wants you to be happy. So which would you rather listen to?

1. Take Care of Your Temple 

The first step to tapping into your intuition is taking care of yourself. There is truth to the phrase your body is a temple. It is a temple for your spirit, and when it is not being taken care of properly, your spirit checks out. What do I mean by this? Well, when our bodies are not in good shape our spirits tend to move out into our Auric field instead, thus making it very difficult for us to access our intuition. We come across as listless and dull. Our zest for life nonexistent. 

Stain glass window tap into your intuition

Eat Well

So what does taking proper care of ourselves entail? Eating good, whole foods including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Remember half your plate should be filled with vegetables. Avoid excessive amounts of fats and sugars. Go easy on alcohol and caffeine. Yes, that hurts me to say. I love my coffee, but I try to limit my intake and have decaf if I really want that extra cup.

Sleep Well

Diet isn’t the only way to take care of ourselves. Getting enough sleep is also really important if you want to tap into your intuition. The average adult needs between 7-9 hours of sleep every night. So listen to your body and go to bed when you are tired. 

Need a little more help getting enough sleep? Check out this article to get sleep better. https://www.helpguide.org/articles/sleep/getting-better-sleep.htm

sleeping cat tap into your intuition


Exercise is also necessary if we want to take care of our temples. I’m not saying you have to be a hard core fitness enthusiast unless you want to be). You doΒ  however, have to get up and start moving. Doing a half hour exercise routine at least three times a week is enough to keep you in good shape. If that is not available to you, going for walks or doing some yoga may be a better option. As long as you keep your body moving. Don’t forget there are tons of videos on YouTube for every type of workout. No matter what level you are at, there is a video out there for you.


One more thing I want to add is self-care.  We often put everyone ahead of ourselves and neglect our own needs. Taking a moment to do something you love is as important to your soul as eating healthy is for your body. So take the time to read that book you’ve been wanted to dig into. If it makes you feel good about yourself, then go get your toes done. Whatever it is that makes you feel cared for, do it. If you need some justification for doing nice things for yourself, just remember, it is easier to tap into your intuition when your body and soul are well taken care of.

2. Listen to Your Body to Tap into Your Intuition

The easiest way for your intuition to let you know what is going on, is through your body. β€œI have a gut feeling,” or β€œI could sense it in my bones,” are some ways our language reflects our intuitive hints. You may find that when your intuition is trying to get your attention your throat gets tight, or maybe you get a tingle between your shoulder blades. Some people get headaches, while others find they just can’t seem to take another step until they figure out what their intuition is trying to tell them.

silhouette of woman doing yoga
Listen to your body

To learn how your intuition speaks through your body, you need to check in with your body. When you wake up take a moment to mentally scan your body from head to toe. Notice any sensations that come up. Let your body know that you are listening and trust the answers that come. Usually the answers come as a quiet thought or idea. The more you trust them, the louder they will get. Throughout the day ask your body if there is anything it wants you to know. Pay attention to the sensations that come, as well as what you are doing when they come. What you are doing could be what your intuition is trying to talk to you about. The more you practice this, the easier it will get. 

3. Stay Calm and Quiet Your Mind

When you are stressed out, you cannot tap into your intuition. Getting caught up in drama drowns out the soft voice of your higher self’s wisdom. You need to be in a relatively calm and quiet state to hear the whisper of your inner knowing. So how can you get into a calm state? How do you quiet your mind enough to hear what your intuition is telling you? There are a lot of ways to quiet your mind. Meditation, Mindful breathing and spending time in nature are just a few ways to accomplish this. 


A simple breathing exercise to try is:

  • Sit in a relaxed comfortable position
  • Take a deep breath in for a count 4
  • Hold for a count of 4
  • Exhale for a count of 8
  • Take another deep breath in for a count of 6
  • Hold for a count of 6
  • Exhale for a count of 10

Go up by 2 each time until you are breathing as deeply as you are able.

meditating on the beach tap into your intuition
Breathing Exercises, meditation and time in nature can help you to quiet your mind


Meditation can be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing your attention on the flame of a candle, or as complicated as guided meditation. Some people have a hard time sitting still and may benefit from trying a walking meditation or drumming. How ever you decide to meditate, the trick is to keep doing it. The goal is to spend 5 – 20 minutes quieting the chatter in your brain. That’s it. That’s what meditation is for. It does not have to be some elaborate ritual where you have a huge spiritual awakening. Although that can happen, it’s more of a side effect of meditation. It also doesn’t happen every time you meditate. Most meditations are just quite still moments where we give our spirit a break from the constant chatter. So try meditating to tap into your intuition.

Spend Time in Nature

A nature hike, sitting under a tree or gardening are great ways to turn off the internal prattle. Spending some soothing time in nature can help quiet the mind and give your intuition a chance to be heard. Being out in nature has an inherent calming effect and is an easy way to silence the ego. So get outside and listen to what your intuition has to say.

For more suggestions read my post A Beginners Guide to Creating a Spiritual Practice.

4. Ask

The best way to start using your intuition is to start using your intuition. Don’t just sit around and wait for something to happen. Start asking your intuition for guidance. You can ask out loud, or you can just think about what you want to know then quiet your mind and listen for the answer. 

Another way to speak to your intuition is to write down your question. Calm your mind and just start writing whatever comes to you. Don’t think about it. Don’t try to analyze it. Just write until you feel like it is complete, then read back over what you have written. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense right away. It sometimes takes a bit of practice.Β 

Your intuition may speak to you through your dreams, so before you go to bed ask your intuition to speak to you through your dreams. Make sure to keep a dream journal handy so you can write everything down as soon as you wake. Keep in mind your intuition sometimes speaks to you in symbols. Don’t worry about translating these symbols though, they are specific to you. Your intuition speaks your language, so anything it gives you is going to be easily interpreted by you. If you see owl, for example, and owls always make you think of someone wise, then that is your answer. Other peoples interpretations don’t matter.

5. Trust and Act on Your Intuition

Trust tap into your intuition

The most important thing to do to tap into your intuition is to trust it and act on it. If you ask your intuition for its guidance then ignore that guidance, it will become more difficult to hear in the future . The more you trust, the stronger the connection will be. The voice of your intuition becomes stronger and louder the more you trust and act on it. 

I’m not saying that you need to go out and make major life changes because your intuition said so. Rather, if your intuition tells you to get off the bus a couple stops early, listen. Ask your intuition for to help you make small decisions, like what movie to watch. This will help you to learn to trust it, so when it tells you that you need to make some major changes, you will be comfortable listening.

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  1. I love this post, especially the part about learning to decipher between ego and intuition! I agree that it’s so important to pay attention to your intuition but it can be difficult if you don’t know the difference. Thank you so much for this great post! πŸ™‚

    1. Thank You Amanda! I’m glad you enjoyed the post. It can be very difficult to follow our intuition, especially when our ego is telling us something completely different. Thankfully, the more we listen to our intuition, the more we recognize its voice and the easier it is to listen. I hope your intuition takes you to places you could only dream of. 😊

  2. I enjoyed this blog post and appreciate that you give specific examples of how to achieve what you are writing about.
    thank you for this contribution to peace.
    be well

  3. Interesting! The way you describe ego here reminds me a lot of the fixed mindset, and they way you describe intuition sounds a lot like the growth mindset. I think there may be some overlap.

    1. Great observation! Thanks for pointing this out! You’re right, there is definitely some overlap. A fixed mindset is a product of the ego. Our ego tries to keep us safe by keeping us off the radar and keeping us within our comfort zone. Our intuition want us to spread our wings and soar. Listening to our intuition takes a growth mindset.

  4. I love this post-Tiffany (as I do with all of yours) I actually just started with a client who does intuition work so I’m learning a lot as I’m setting her up! This post has been so helpful in understanding the different ways to help start to tap into our intuition and listen to those intuitive nudges!

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