The Law of Attraction; How to Apply the 12 Universal Laws to Your Life
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The 12 Universal Laws
As we have learned, the Law of Attraction is just one of 12 Universal Laws that work together to keep the universe in balance. When you have an understanding of how these laws work, you can use their energy to help create the life you want. Even if you aren’t actively trying to manifest anything, they can help you live a more intentional life with less obstacles. By paying attention to them, you go with the flow rather than trying to force you way through obstacles.
If you haven’t read part one of this series, you can do so here: How to Make the Law of Attraction Work Part One
The remaining 6 Universal Laws are:
7. The Universal Law of Cause and Effect
The Law of Cause and Effect states that every action has a reaction. What we put out is what we get back. This suggests that nothing happens by chance, but rather by design. Our actions create our reality. This could also be called Karma.

This means that nothing just happens to us. Every action, or inaction dictates our situation. Cause and effect also works exactly the same for everyone. If there is something you want to achieve in life, it is wise to follow the example of others. They have already created a blueprint for you. Basically, use their life to map out your own. By following everything they have done, you will get the same results as them. Just remember, these things take time.
8. The Universal Law of Compensation
Now the Law of Compensation tells us that what we put out there is what we will get back. If we hoard our money believing there isn’t enough to go around, then that will be our experience. This law does not just refer to material gains, however. If we give love, we receive love. If we are generous with our time and help others, that is what we will receive in return. The effort we put forth is what will be returned to us.

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from: Cratejoy
So we can look at areas in our life that we are not satisfied with, then ask “what am I giving to this area of my life?” For example, if you are not happy with your relationship, look at what you are giving to your relationship. Are you giving love freely or are you holding back? Do you spend time nurturing the relationship or are you busy building other areas of your life. If you want an area in your life to thrive, you have to attend to it. The more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.
9. The Universal Law of Relativity
The Law of Relativity is all about perspective. Things can look very different depending on where you’re standing. Everything’s existence is dependent on its contrast or relationship to something else. For example, good could not exist without bad. With out having it’s opposite to compare it to, we would have no understanding of what good is.
In our personal lives, this can show up with how we view the quality of our lives. If everyone around us is successful in their business and we are working a 9-5 job, we may view our life as being a failure. However, if we are surrounded by people who are working minimum wage jobs and are struggling to get enough shifts to pay their bills, suddenly our lives look successful. Nothing in our life changed, only our perspective.

This does not mean that you should surround yourself with people who are not doing as well as you, in fact, I would suggest the opposite. Surrounding yourself with people who are living the life you want to live can motivate and inspire you. It also helps you find a blueprint for the life you want and activate the Law of Cause and Effect. Having said that, when you are feeling bad about your life, change your perspective. It could always be worse. There is someone out there that would do anything to live your life.
10. The Universal Law of Polarity
This law is all about duality, with everything having it’s opposite. Much like the Law of Relativity, without one we would not be able to discern the other. Without sadness we would be unable to experience happiness. The Law of Polarity takes this one step further, Stating that everything has both polarities contained within. The simplest example of this is a battery. A battery has a positive and a negative side. Both opposites are in fact a part of the whole. Another example of this is hot and cold. Each have the potential for the other. Hot can turn cold, cold can turn hot. Every situation, therefore, is both good and bad.

Yes, it makes my head hurt too! The important thing to remember with this law is, that every experience we have has potential for both positive and negative, success and failure. It is up to us to focus on the positive. If you lose your job, you can focus on the loss or you can focus on the potential for a new job. If you focus on the loss, you create more loss. Whereas if you focus on the positive you will manifest a new a better job. The potential for both are present, it’s your choice which to focus on.

11. The Universal Law of Rhythm
The Law of Rhythm shows us that everything has a cycle. All of the universe flows to a rhythm. Think of the dance between the sun and the moon. The darkness of night takes centre stage, knowing that soon enough the sun will reign again. These patterns or rhythms are present everywhere. The seasons, the tides, all of nature, even the stock market follows an ebb and flow.
This law has often been described as a pendulum swinging. Things may not always go our way, but if we hang on, soon enough they will swing the other way. The further it swings in one direction, the further it will swing in the other.

How can we minimize the swinging of the pendulum, especially when it’s swinging in a less desirable direction? Don’t cling to any outcomes. It is best to allow yourself to go with the flow. If you become too attached to any one outcome, the pendulum swing will be more severe and more painful. It is also useful to look for the opportunity in a perceived negative situation. There is always opportunity, a chance to learn and grow. An opportunity to check our course, and make sure we are still going in the right direction.
12. The Universal Law of Gender
When talking about the Law of Gender, we are talking about the masculine and feminine energies that are present in everything. These energies are physical, mental and even spiritual. Everything in the universe has both male and female energies, or Yin and Yang.
It is important is to try and find a balance between these energies. Too much masculine energy and you become too focused on the external, or doing, and will burn out. Too much feminine energy and you will find yourself struggling to take action, a passive observer. The key is to find the right balance for you.

We all have both masculine and feminine energies. We just need to learn how to find the correct symmetry between the two.
Applying the 12 Universal Laws
The 12 Universal Laws all work together in balance. You can’t apply one and ignore the others. All 12 are always present and working to create harmony in the universe. Whether you believe in them or not, they are always there as a guiding principle, helping us to navigate through this life.
These laws can be applied to every area of your life. By working with the 12 Laws, you are truly co-creating with the Universe. You go with flow, rather than trying to fight against the current. You manifest your desires with ease, knowing exactly when you need to readjust or stay the course. Instead of forcing your way to what you want, your life unfolds with ease and grace. All with the help, and guiding direction of the 12 Universal laws.
Read part three of this series, 5 Exercises to Unlock the Law of Attraction and learn how to create the life you’ve always wanted.

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I like the idea of the pendulum. If things aren’t going well they will change. It goes the opposite too, so we should appreciate what we have while we have it.
Exactly! This is one of the reasons that being in the present moment is so important.
This is soo fascinating! I never knew about any such thing. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for reading! 😊
I liked the law of compensation. I do need to nurture and put more into my important relationships. This was a good reminder. Thanks for a great read!
Thanks! The Law Compensation is a good one. It’s important to remember that we get back what we put into it, whether it’s a relationships, business or even a hobby.
Very interesting post! I’ve never heard of these laws before. Going back to read the first ones now x
Thanks! I’m glad I could introduce you to the 12 Universal Laws.
These are very interesting, Tiffany! Thank you for breaking them all down and letting us know how to apply it to our lives, I love learning new things such as this x
I’m so happy you got something from my post. Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on it! 💕
This was such an interesting read, I didn’t really know much about the 12 Laws of Attraction before reading this post!
Thank you! I’m glad I could teach a bit more about the 12 Universal Laws,
This is such an interesting post. I love how indepth you’ve explained everything too.
Thanks! I’m glad you found it interesting, 😊
Nice post. It was really nice to learn about the remaining laws. I like the law of cause and effect and also of compensation.
Thanks! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
Very Interesting and informative post. Enjoyed reading it.
Thank you!!
I love the idea of manifesting what you want and not fighting against the current. I feel like it leads to a much happier and chilled life!
Nicola |
Exactly and a chilled life usually means a much happier one! 😊
This was really interesting. For some reason I got goose bumps😂🤔😂
Wow! Thanks! 😲😊
I am going to have to give this one a second read for sure there is so much good information here. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks!! 😊
I’ve never really thought about any of these before, but they make so much sense. I need to remember these when things aren’t looking good for me! x
Absolutely! It is difficult to remember this when things aren’t going well, but the Universal Laws can really help us navigate the difficult times.
Wow, this post was very interesting to read. So many concepts I was unaware of. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading! I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
I absolutely adored this! I truly believe that my life is the way it is because of the law of attraction and manifestation. I’ve had an amazing life so hard and i know that it’s only going to keep going up. I’ve never looked into the 12 universal laws and it is so fascinating! I’m going to include some of these thoughts when I meditate later. Thank you!
Thank you! I’m so happy to hear you already use the law of attraction and thrilled to be the one to introduce you to the other 11 laws. It really is fascinating! I’d love to hear what insights come to you in your meditation.
This was interesting. I’ve heard a lot of people talk about the law of attraction but I’ve never really used it so this was all great new information for me x
Thanks for your comment!
We all use the Law of Attraction, unfortunately most of us don’t use it consciously and end up attracting the things we don’t want in our lives. Now that you are more aware of it, you can use it to start attracting what you do want in your life. Good luck!
This is a really interesting post. I don’t know much about this before. Thank you for sharing this information.
Thank you! Im happy to be able to introduce you to the Universal Laws.
Point 10 on polarity is interesting to me. Lately, I’ve also becoming increasingly aware of how people, myself included, tend to think of the world in binary terms. Kinda like you’re either with us or against us, there’s no middle ground of compromise.
You mentioned that there is both good and bad in every situation and it depends on what we focus on. I would like to propose that we focus on BOTH the good and the bad instead. I don’t think the opposite ends are where we want to be. When everything is good, we fail to see where we can be better, and when everything is bad, pessimism sets in and we trip over ourselves.
Just some of my thoughts. Thanks for sharing!
I agree that we need polarity. Without one, we have no understanding of the other. If we haven’t experienced sorrow, we have no appreciation of happiness. Therefore we need both polarities. The same could be said of your example of “You’re either with us or against us.” We need opposing viewpoints to help us grow. To encourage us to examine our own beliefs and expand them when needed. If we all thought and felt the same, there would be no innovation. Our world would become stagnant.
I’m glad my post inspired such a thoughtful comment. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me!
Both this post and your previous one were really interesting reads. I don’t know anything about the Laws of Attraction, although I know a few friends swear by them. I like your point about going with the flow and not stressing about what we can’t change 🙂
Thank you! I’m so glad you enjoyed them.
I like that point as well, mostly because going with the flow can be a real challenge for me. I need to constantly remind myself to let go and see what happens. 😃
I find these laws so interesting, since they all surround around balance and being moderate. Thanks for sharing!
Exactly! Balance is always key!!
I’ve heard people talk about the law of attraction but I didn’t really know too much about it. Thankyou for sharing!
Thank you for taking the time to read it! 😊
I’m going to have to read more around this — really interesting!
Thanks! It really is interesting!
I’d never done much research into the 12 universal laws before, but reading your paragraphs on the Law of Rhythm and the Law of Relativity really resonated with me.
I think I need to step back and evaluate my daily actions to ensure that I am giving back to my loved ones what they have given me, too. This was very eye-opening!
Thanks, Tiffany!
Bianca xx |
Thanks for reading! I’m so glad they resonated with you! 💕
Thank you so much for sharing such an informative post. I have heard so much about the law of attraction recently but didn’t know a huge amount about it. I can certainly see this being beneficial and something I would like to explore further x x
Thank you for reading! The Law of Attraction has gained a lot of attention over the last few years, but many people still don’t know how to use it and how to incorporate the other Universal Laws. They are so beneficial and I highly recommend everyone learns how to make all 12 Laws work for them. Good luck in your explorations!
Excellent summary of the different laws. Many times life gets busy and keeping in mind the universal laws is very important.
Thank you! 😊
I’ve always heard of the “Law of Attraction” and have shared it with my clients, being a counselor myself. However, I didn’t know there was so much more to it than that! I’ll need to add these other laws into my discussions with them!
You are not alone. Most people have heard of the Law of Attraction, but have never heard of the other 11 laws. Knowing about all 12 will definitely help your clients achieve their goals with greater ease.
I really love when I encounter your posts! I find all of these very insightful and knowledgeable. I’d love to start and grow my spirituality but I dont seem to know where to start. The Law of Relativity is my favorite, and is much like one’s reference points. Sometimes we subconsiously base how we would feel relative to how other people are doing in our life. And I think it affects us hugely too. Thanks so much for sharing this! 😊✨
Thank you so much! I am so glad you like my posts. It means a lot.
As far as starting to grow your spirituality, I would suggest meditation. You can also read my post about starting a spiritual practice here:
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out. I’m always happy to help. Best of luck on your spiritual journey. 🧚♀️
Oh this is it! Thank you for giving me a starting point! I’m really grateful for this! :))
You are very welcome! Let me know if you have any questions along your journey.
Thank you for this second part about the law of attraction. I’m going to use these 12 laws as guidelines to help me navigate through life.
I’m so glad you found this useful! The 12 Universal Laws are meant to be guiding principles, unfortunately so many of us are unaware of them and are trying to navigate through life without the manual. I hope my brief introduction helps you navigate your own path with a little more ease.