woman sitting looking bored how to stop procrastinating and get stuff done

How to Stop Procrastinating and Finally Get Stuff Done!

I’ve got a huge to-do list! I’ve got tons of work, the place is a mess and I haven’t started dinner yet. Guess what I ended up doing?

Yep…scrolling social media on my phone. 

Procrastination hits again!

Procrastination rears it’s ugly head in my life quite often. So what is procrastination? Simply put, it is the act of delaying and/or avoiding the completion of a specific task. The thing to remember, however, is that it’s not the same thing as laziness. Procrastination is much more complicated than that.

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Why Do We Procrastinate?

There are many different reasons why we procrastinate.

We procrastinate to avoid something that is potentially uncomfortable. A task we for one reason or another do not want to do.

Sometimes the procrastination is because of fear. Fear of failing or even fear of success. Yes, people do actually fear succeeding. That however, is a discussion for another day.

Often procrastination happens when we feel a task is beyond our skill or is just too big for us to tackle alone. We find it overwhelming and while we know it will just make it worse, we put off until later.

How to Stop Procrastination

So how do we stop procrastinating and making excuses? Well, first we need to figure out why we are procrastinating. 

Are we procrastinating simply because the task in front of us is unpleasant or is it that we feel we are not capable of completing it? When we learn the motivation behind our procrastination, it becomes easier to deal with it. 

We can cater the solution to the cause. For example, if we are procrastinating cleaning up a messy house, rewarding ourself may be enough to get ourselves going. However, if we are procrastinating because we are afraid of failure, the promise of a reward likely won’t be enough. We will need to find a stronger motivation.

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Reward yourself

Try to find a more immediate reward. For example, β€œIf I start writing right now for 45 minutes, I will give myself a special treat.” 

The reward has to be something that you wouldn’t normally allow yourself to have. It could be a sweet treat, some time put aside to watch tv or read, a spa date, or even a candle lit bubble bath. Whatever motivates you to take the first step and stop procrastination.

woman getting a massage stop procrastination

Do it With a Friend

Another way to stop procrastination is to make yourself accountable to someone else. For example, you could tell someone β€œHey I’m trying to start an Etsy shop. I should have it up and running in a couple days. I’ll send you the link.” 

Now you’ll feel the pressure to get it done so that you don’t let the other person down. Tell your partner or friend so that they can hold you accountable. β€œHey, I’m writing a new chapter for my book. Could you take a look at it?” 

Now that you’ve involved someone else in your project they will eventually be asking you about it. A little bit of pressure and motivation is a good thing. It will push you to GET IT DONE! 

You can also ask someone to be your accountability partner. The way this works is you both share what you want to work on and then arrange check-in times. When you check-in with each other, you simply share your progress and discuss where you may be struggling. 

When what we do involves someone else or someone else is holding us accountable, we are more likely to do what we need, rather than procrastinate.

woman doing sit-ups with another woman holding her feet stop procrastination

Break it Down

Breaking things down into more manageable pieces is also a great way to get past procrastination. 

Sometimes the task ahead of us is just too big. It’s so daunting that we can’t figure out how we are going to get it done. We spend all of our time worrying about how we are going to find the time and energy to do it and don’t actually take any steps to start.

So instead of approaching the task as a whole, we need to break it down. For example, if you are trying to clean your whole house, you may want to start with just one room or even just one area of that room.

Cleaning the entire house is overwhelming. However, cleaning the bathroom on Monday, the kitchen on Tuesday, working on the bedrooms on Wednesday and Thursday and tidying up the living room on Friday, is not nearly as scary. 

You may also find that you become so motivated by your progress that you just kept going. That’s the thing about procrastination, once you actually start that thing you’ve been avoiding, it tends to be a motivation in of itself. 

Starting is always the hardest part.

Tips to Stop Procrastination

Here are some tips for slaying the procrastination beast. 

  • Make check lists. Being able to work through a list and check things off as you go is very satisfying. On top of that, when you write something down it goes from being just an idea to something more tangible. Something you have committed to. 
  • Post it notes, vision boards or even just a simple image of what you want to accomplish are great reminders of what you want to do and why you want to do it. Those visual cues will help motivate you. Put them up all over your home, your desk at work and even in your wallet. Reminding yourself about what the ultimate goal is can be enough to help you push through the procrastination. 
  • Just start! Sometimes the only way to break through procrastination is to force yourself to start. The first step is the hardest. It usually gets easier as you go.
check list stop procrastination
Check it off!!

So whatever tips and tricks you use to break through the procrastination, stop making excuses and take that first step. Every step after that will be a little easier. I promise! Get out there and do it!!

Want to keep that momentum going? Try positive affirmations. You can read more about it here.

women sitting bin a chair looking bored How to Stoop Procrastinating and Finally Get Stuff Done

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  1. Fantastic first blog post Metaphysical Mama! You’ve just inspired me to overcome my procrastination! Thank you! 😊😊

  2. Procrastination is something we all deal with more or less. The tips you shared are great and from what I know of you are right, the hardest thing is to just start doing it. Once you start magically you want to do more.
    Thank you for sharig! great post!

  3. I used to be a master procrastinator ! I honestly am so glad I’ve worked past this and I now use to do lists and have created great daily routines that allow me to get stuff done without feeling overwhelmed and then wanting to procrastinate !

  4. Great article! I often avoid cleaning because I hate cleaning! I’d rather be crocheting or reading or doing else. I get around it eventually by just starting. Sometimes I do it all in a go, other times I do a little at a time. Thanks for sharing some other tips on getting past the procrastination πŸ™‚

  5. This is wonderful Tiffany! Definitely something I can relate to at times – like you mentioned for me it’s writing down the steps that helps motivate me to at least get started – which typically helps kick start my motivation again! Thanks for sharing this πŸ™‚

  6. Breaking a task down into smaller, more manageable pieces is so helpful. I’ve also found that doing something for a set amount of time (like, say, 30 minutes) also makes starting it easier.

  7. When I have bouts of procrastination I will refer back to this post as it’s super useful. I definitely respond well to breaking tasks down into smaller bits with a reward once I’ve completed a certain amount if I’m finding procrastinating is really getting in the way. I appreciate the info you’ve shared — it’s going to help!

  8. I’ve only recently starting writing β€˜to do lists’ and boy has it worked wonders. I’m quite a big procrastinator and it’s a pet peeve of mine that I’m trying to tackle so this is really helpful. Thank you so much for sharing Xo

    Elle – ellegracedeveson.com

  9. This is great information! I was definitely struggling with both fear of failure and fear of success when I was making the transition from working on social media to making a living as a freelance writer. It stopped me from actually making the transition for months while I kept talking about WANTING to make that change. Luckily, I had some good friends that helped me figure out how to step out of that comfort zone, stop procrastinating and start doing the work necessary to work towards my dream career. I am SO happy now that I did it! I think we often are happy we took that step after we finally move forward!

  10. Enjoyed reading this post. But I’ve realized one thing about procrastinating, it’s easy to do. It’s easy to lay down and scroll through your phone, it’s easy to watch TV and eat popcorn while the task at hand is pending. The sooner we start making the task we need to do look easy, the better we get the job done. So for me, I try as much as possible to make my task easy by breaking them down, this helped me from procrastinating and not making the task look daunting.

    Thank you so much for sharing

  11. One of my biggest character defects for sure, these are great tips thank you. I’ve been meaning to make a vision board, perhaps that should be something I work on this month.

  12. Great post, I’m terrible for procrastinating, and I have to use the break it down method; otherwise, it is too overwhelming. I think I have got worse the older I get; I think I’m getting wise to my plans πŸ˜‰

    1. Haha! I actually have found the same thing. The older I get the harder it is to trick myself into doing things I don’t want to. I think there was a sweet spot in there somewhere around 30, but that’s long gone. 🀣

  13. I’m such a massive procrastinator and it’s been a thing since childhood – I still can’t ride a bike because I never bothered to learn! I’m definitely trying to combat it though so this was helpful to read!

    1. Thanks for your comment! I think it would be helpful for you to look at what’s behind the procrastination. What is stopping you, for example, from learning how to ride a bike? Is there more than just procrastination? What do you gain from not learning? Is there a payoff for you? Try journalling about it or talking with someone and see if there is a little more to your procrastination. Feel free to reach out if you need any support with this.

  14. This was such an interesting read and totally hit the point! I read myself so much in it, mostly during the last years. Making lists and breaking down what I have to do have helped so much, even if sometimes I still fall on the slope of procrastination! x

    1. Thanks! I appreciate the comment Cristina!
      I make to do lists, set goals and rewards, break everything down and then watch Netflix. We all procrastinate now and again. I think what’s important is that our procrastination doesn’t keep us from achieving our goals. That we are able to push through it, more often than not.

  15. These are such great tips on not procrastinating. Usually, I am pretty good at staying on task and getting things done early. I do not like to wait until last minute, it stresses me out!

  16. Wonderful list! I completely agree with having someone there to help you with certain things, for me, it’s cleaning. Breaking things down is also incredibly helpful. We tend to look at the bigger picture, which can be overwhelming. But when we focus on smaller tasks, it’s a lot easier to follow through. Thanks for sharing.

  17. Love love love this post, Tiffany! I am big on making lists and having vision boards up! I’d say that one big thing I procrastinate on is household chores haha I wouldn’t say that I really procrastinate but time management is something that I struggle with and a tinge of perfection which ties in with procrastination for me! Thank you for always making your posts really straightforward and great to read! Amazing as always xx

    Lynn | https://www.lynnmumbingmejia.com

  18. I totally feel you! I have such a long list so I’m just watching Friends…A checklist always helps me get out of the slump. I think I’ll try out the post-it notes idea x

  19. I know someone who always waits for last minute to do anything. It so frustrating sometimes. I totally understand doing it ever now and then but not with everything. I’m a planner and I love planning out my days and weeks.

  20. Thanks for the tips and how you break it down and provide the solutions. I am not a procrastinator but a complicated person, meaning perfectionist. It takes me longer than normal to finish a task. But these are good tips . Thanks

  21. Oh Tiffany! I love this post and I wish I found it earlier. I used to be such a great procrastinator and it sucked tbh. Splitting up a task into smaller, more manageable units is so helpful tbh. Also, to do lists help a whole lot. Just knowing that I have this much to do and I have to tick ’em off my to do list helps a lot. I’ll definitely refer to your post whenever I find myself procrastinating as it’s really informative and has tips I have never thought about. Thank you for sharing x

  22. Love this post… I procrastinate a little, but I love my to do lists and I get joy from ticking things off, haha. But next time I find myself procrastinating, I will be using your tip of rewarding myself for doing the task! You’re also right about breaking things up and doing them in steps being easier to manage πŸ™‚

  23. I have been trying to talk myself into tasks so that I know they are over sooner rather than later. But yes, procrastinating is a difficult habit to get out to, but with some strong work I know I can get it contained. Plus your help is always appreciated, Tiffany x

  24. Love love love this! I’m so bad for procrastinating, I start kne thing and move into the next as soon as I get it I my head and by the end of the day there’s multiple things started and none finished lol. These are so helpful, especially like the idea of rewarding myself. Thank you for sharing.

  25. Loved this in-depth tutorial that has everything I need in my daily routine. Thanks a lot for sharing it in a very easy language and do it from the first day.
    Loved your efforts and keeps sharing more updates!

  26. Oh I’m terrible for procrastinating! I get so distracted and start doing other stuff, then I get stuck down a hole! Lists really do help as I can see visually what I need to do.

    Corinne x

  27. This is a really helpful post and some great tips. I am doing better with procrastination but I can sometimes avoid doing tasks I don’t want to ha ha!

    Thank you for sharing.

    Lauren – bournemouthgirl.com

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